A Historic Legacy
From its inception, chapter members were fully engaged in national endeavors serving in a multitude of leadership roles. Margaret Clarke, served as co-chair of the national membership committee where she established the formation for the Initiation Service; Vivian Beamon served as the fourth National President and is credited for the adoption of Fine Arts as a programmatic focus and developing the concept of The Links, Foundation and Margaret Hough served as the first National Director of the Arts, followed years later by Yvonne Robinson.
2023 - 2024 Chapter Officers
President - Bleuzette Marshall
Vice President, Membership - Patrice Baughman Borders
Recording Secretary and Archivist - Tonie Britton
Corresponding Secretary - Takiyah Cunningham
Financial Secretary - Jennifer Allen
Treasurer - Nicole Dowdell
Parliamentarian - Ariana Nami Harris
Programming Chair - Karlyn Wade - Richardson